I am not a diva.

But I have a diva bag! The pattern is entitled "Diva Essential Designer Bag" and here is the website: http://www.thumbuddy-special.com/ The only change I would make is a couple of zippered pockets inside. The directions are pretty good, although I am left with a pocket that I don't think she ever told me to sew anywhere.
I started this last Saturday at a last minute sew-in. About four o'clock this afternoon, after drawing serious blood with the straight pins for the second time, I decided to finish it tomorrow. Then, after dinner at the Atomic Brew Pub where we had root beer (the only beer I like) and chicken pesto pizza, I decided that I was so close to finishing that I might as well. Stuck myself two more times with pins.
This is why I like quilting, I rarely have to use pins. And definitely not in close quarters like purses.
It's not a finished project until there is some blood on it somewhere.
Useful information: your own spit dissolves your own blood.
The first picture is how is looks to the average person. The second picture show just how much space it potentially has. I was hoping to put ultrasuede on the bottom to lengthen the life of the bag, but we don't have a real fabric store in this area. Just a Jo-Anns. And now that I know how to make the bag, I was too late anyway.