Saturday, December 19, 2020

Christmas Letter, 2020


Dear Friends and Family:

I distinctly remember (because I just read last year’s letter) telling you guys to be careful when you wish for something exciting.  TOO MANY of you ignored my advice, and now look at this year:

We started the year here in the Tri-Cities, with a tumbleweed invasion that buried semi trucks.  Then Covid came along, followed by riots all over the country, murder hornets (which started here in Washington), and the mess that is our election.  Fess up!  Who was bored?  Who was wishing for excitement?

Deki is doing great!  He is still in remission.  They came home at the beginning of April, and we started doing day trips and overnights to Seattle.  Now the medication of the day trips can be done here in the Tri-Cities, and our next scheduled trip to Seattle is February!!  He became an expert on “pokes.”  Drawing blood from you arm is the best.  Accessing the port in his chest is next, that hurts for a longer time.  But the worst is a finger prick because you actually see your own blood coming out!  He doesn’t like long car rides to Seattle, just the ones going home.  He did get to be team captain for the UW Husky women’s basketball team for a game, and also the Seattle Sounders.  He loved the Boeing Museum of Flight (so did his brothers).

We were able to reconnect with Jack’s Dad, and discovered the source of Jack’s sense of humor.

When Covid hit, Marion discovered that sewing really is a superpower, and made masks until they were more commercially available.  Fortunately, Jack was working on a project at work that was “essential” so he didn’t work from home and Marion hasn’t killed him.  But we pretty much shut down all activities:  ESL, exchange students, tutoring, etc.

But, praise God, we are so far healthy, and looking forward to Christmas and getting back to normal.

Jack and Marion

Deki at the Husky womens basketball game

Boeing Museum of Flight

Jack and Herb
