Monday, November 25, 2019


I have always wanted to see Venice, and thanks to Caterina, I did.

It is an interesting place.  The first thing that Cate said was "There are no motor vehicles allowed."  I said "What about emergency vehicles?" and she looked around and pointed at one.  Apparently they have found it faster to navigate the canals than to drive around the streets. 

The streets were confusing enough.  But they did give you a clue...there were always signs to St. Marks and the Rialto Bridge.  This bridge is the biggest one in Venice.  And it has shops.

There are a lot of tourists in Venice, probably more than actual residents.  That means there were items in the restaurants that you would nor normally find in normal Italian towns -- like Other Toppings on Pizza and Iced Coffee.  (and McDonalds)  And, as hot as it was, We really needed that iced coffee!

Well, Here is St. Marks.  And proof that I was there!

We made it to St. Mark's square, and it was, as I have stated, a hot day.  So we didn't wait in line in the sun, (which was also radiating from the white buildings and the white pavement) to go inside.  Cate said that she had seen the water level higher, where people were walking in water.  Here is the water level when I was there, just a few inches below the pavement level.

Well, now it is even higher.  Five or six feet higher.  And I think I will never see the inside of St. Mark's.