success, sort of

We had a wedding shower today, in which the bride tried out her bow-quet, many cool presents were recieved (and the observation that empty nesters should get a shower, now that no one will be around to melt the plastic cups and ruin the non-stick finish on the pots) and the groom learned that glass cups will indeed hold coffee, but you must drink it with your pinkie extended.
Probably because male hands are just too big for the tiny handle on the cups.
I also finished cleaning out my sewing area. I have found the all purpose presser foot (at the bottom of a 2 foot by 2 foot by 3 foot box that stores freezer paper, interfacing, batting, fabric dyes and paints as well as miscellaneous stuff that finds it way there), a bobbin of dark green thread I did not know I had lost, and several projects that have been percolating in the back of my mind that are now on one of the front burners (there being about a dozen front burners, so it really isn't much of an improvement). The bobbin of white thread was found earlier in the wastebasket. I have now lost my little embroidery scissors. (they are not in the wastebasket) Since I can't imagine the cats playing soccer with them (They do with the pincushion), I have accused my daughters of borrowing them. They, of course, both deny all knowledge and get huffy.
The sewing area is now tidy. Mostly because fabric that is not part of a project has been moved to the stash room, where it is sitting on a card table and looking a lot larger than the space in the closet.
I can't win.
But I can start new projects!
tiny bits of fabric

This is the latest result of ongoing sewing therapy for the back. It took probably 6 hours. The dark blue triangles are 3/4 inch on the sides and 1.06 inch on the hypotenuse. (For those who don't believe in math, the diagonal is the 1.06 inch length.) The method was paper piecing, which makes for pretty good points.
This was not the littlest piece I ever put into a quilt. The angel of a few posts ago has that honor. (They are the black pieces, and you can't see them very well.) If I ever get my landscape sample done from (it is next on the list) I think that will have the honor of the littlest pieces of fabric. And those littlest pieces of fabric are probably the reason it has been sitting around for two years.
If I were to do this block over again, I would replace the 8 small white triangles with a blue or pink so that those missed points wouldn't be so obvious.
I have never remade a quilt to make it look better. I just go on to the next one. And hopefully learn a few lessons.
This time I learned that you can't save time by sewing on two blocks simultaneously. At 20 stitches per inch, that was not fun to unsew!

This one is getting married next month.
(the girl, not the cat)