not a normal baby quilt
I don't do normal baby quilts.
It is not that I don't like pastels or teddy bears or kitties or hearts. It is just that everybody else will do them. So I try to do something different. Mostly I succeed.
I do like half-square triangles. I make a grid of lines 1 inch larger than the finished size, sew, and square everything down. This makes for a lot of tedium (256 on the pinwheel, count them yourself on the other), but I don't have to worry about uniform sizes. Sewing the pinwheel quilt together took a lot of making sure not to go wrong either! After checking my list of which fabrics went to which half square traingles (and checking it twice), I finally started cutting things out. It was really amazing that it worked. Then, when I was sewing them all together, I started playing with powers of 2 in my mind. I was slowly going bonkers.
After 18 years of quilting, I'm not satisfied with normal quilts, either. But I'm not ready for art quilts.
I have two baby quilts to sew now. My first exchange student has a second child, and another friend is due in May. Both boys, so I get to use blue and green again! Now all I need is to think of something not normal that is different from what they already have....