Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine
I ran across this magenta and green fabric, and the color combination was just so pugnacious that it stayed in my mind. The problem was that I found it at a quilt show, and since I'm there for two full days, it was just too easy to go and get it. And then a couple more in the line. And a couple more. In the end, I had the whole line of two different colorways, and a good start on a third.
At first, I started designing something more or less normal: flowers, grass, sky, etc. It probably would have ended up that way if I hadn't found a quilt online (which I can no longer find, grrr.) that was kind of an offset cross. It fit the personality of this fabric, so I changed directions. And then I had a great idea.
I have a friend who does all my quilting because I, frankly, it would be too frustrating for me to spend the time to be good at it, so I pay her to quilt all my quilts. (Except baby quilts and community service quilts. I can do passable curlicues with hearts, stars, or flowers. Even butterflies! Dragonflies, once, but I think they had mutant genes. I can also crosshatch.) She keeps taking classes to get better, doing some really cool stuff.
My great idea: Make a quilt with lots of white space for her to have fun with!!
I designed an off-center cross with 12-inch, 8-inch, 6-inch, and 4-inch blocks. I got out the graph paper so I plot out where each block would go. I made each white space a different size, so my friend couldn't duplicate anything. (Aren't I a great friend?)
I finished it at the guild retreat, because there would be a design wall. (I only have a design coffee table and a design hide-a-bed.) There was lots of conversation about this quilt (we always comment on everyones' quilts) including the title. I finally decided it had to be a 60's song with the word green and came up with Simon and Garfunkel's "Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine," a 1965 song commenting on escapism. (It was a good time to escape from.)
You can find her on facebook as "Miss Daisy Quilting."