Blog? I Still Have a Blog?
Lindsey plays very hard at preschool. Wednesday he played especially hard, and it was clear that he needed some serious downtime. Sure enough, in the middle of the parking lot he jerked his hand from mine and started to protest life, the universe and everything.I said, "Lindsey, you can throw your tantrum and soon as I buckle you into the car seat." And I held his hand again. I then stated, "This is very important. You need to decide if you are going to throw a pouty tantrum or a screaming tantrum."
After securing him in the car seat, I said, "Are you going to throw a pouty tantrum or a screaming tantrum?" He looked at me. I repeated, "Are you going to throw a pouty tantrum or a screaming tantrum?"
He looked down at his feet and said, "I lost my tantrum."