...but when someone says "I have lots of friends who are quilters, but because I sew, they think I can make a quilt and so I don't have any." and "I love that fabric!" well, even I can take a hint!
I finally just picked a pattern and used it. And then added seaweed to make it look like an art quilt.
Chlorophyll would like to thank his guest stars, the Carotenoids and Anthocyanins, for their annual appearance on his show. They did a great job, as always. He certainly hopes that they will return next fall!
It has occured to me that there are no orange flowers or orange foliage in my own yard, but now I am lusting after the sumac in the last picture. And as you look at these pictures, there seems to be no reason not to mix green, orange, red, blue and gray in a quilt.
Within this blog you will find opinions, information on exchange student activities, quilt pictures, musings on recent adventures, and comments on raising teenagers and other aspects of getting along with those who live with me.