Tuesday, September 29, 2009

more baby quilts

The first one goes to the daughter of someone I met when she was in second grade. And she got it before it got cold! Notice, no teddy bears or duckies, but they are normal baby quilt colors. So it is still not a normal baby quilt. Mostly.

One problem with always making not your normal baby quilt is that, when your own daughter is not normal (and this is meant in a good way), she chooses weird baby quilt colors. Like purple and orange. This is actually a Halloween fabric (the squares and the orange and black plaid; on sale in January -- bonus!!), but that is OK because that is her favorite holiday. (See what I meant by not normal? Normal kids like Christmas because they get candy and presents! And they can still dress up, although the selection is normally limited to donkeys, shepherds,
angels and the occasional camel or Roman soldier. Mary and Joseph are usually the mother and father of the baby in the vignette, who is sometimes even a boy baby. But she has a chance to do that this year!)
And, since she is out of the ordinary, you can't expect me to actually line things up in rows, can you? Fortunately, I found an online site to make your own graph paper: http://incompetech.com/graphpaper/ and a big eraser.
She did want the cat in the center of the quilt, but whenever I did that, it became a cat quilt. So the cat is sleeping in the corner. The funny light purple patch just to the left of her nose is supposed to be her white patch. Plus she has white socks.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

life is a bowl of cherries.

Especially if you are a grandpa. As you can see, he is proud of his grandson the pretzel. One of his favorite phrases is "fat, dumb and happy." He applies this to a lot of things. I apply it to the first picture.

Of course, I do all the work: I change the diapers, I put the bottle together, I tell him to come get the baby so I can make dinner......the more things change, the more things remain the same.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

More babysitting, more pictures

Make that more devastatingly cute pictures.
The weekly babysitting job means that I do update this at least every other week.
He is about to smile.

I am looking for captions.
In other news, school has started and my back is acting up. That means I must sit in the most comfortable chair in the house: the one at the sewing machine. It is really tough therapy.