Sunday, December 28, 2008

We're melting!

It is 52 degrees today.

That is 35 degrees above what it was the day before Christmas.
At this rate, summer will be here before the year is out. Again.

You can see the cold weather gear that the boyfriend received as Christmas Presents...the day before the Temperatures Went Up.
Also note the great quantities of wrapping paper on the floor.
I can wear tennis shoes again, which everybody (meaning knees, hips and back) appreciates because the support is so much better than any other shoe. I can drive on bare pavement and I control where the car goes, not the ruts in the snow. I can park in the driveway again.
So far it is staying on the lawns OK, which is cool. And it is no longer powdery, which means that snowballs can be made.
Until Summer gets here on Wednesday, anyway.


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