Sunday, October 19, 2008

Philosopy and Plumbing

I had to lead a Bible Study on I Corinthians 1:18-31. The following quote came to my mind, which really does have to do with the passage as well as events in the political arena this week. I originally found it on a poster in a friend's dorm room 35 years ago.

The society that tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted profession, and scorns excellence in plumbing because it is a lowly profession, will have neither good philosophy nor good plumbing. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.--Anonymous


At 10:29 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

I finally made a new blog. Again. It is:

it isn't really about my life, but I am debating making one like that as well.

I occasionally update, and I must say I missed a lot in the past month or so on your blog!


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