Weather Report

Why does the east coast get all the attention? We have lows of 1 degree Fahrenheit (-17 C, sounds much colder) and the possibility of a white Christmas! No power outages, though. Two hour school delays all week, because the high is about 17 and nothing melts off the roads. More snow expected tonight.
The Brazilians have a mixed reaction. The cold is too cold (they just came off of a winter of what, 50 F?) but they are thrilled with the snow. The Lebanese has a space heater on 24/7, but she is excited about the snow too. But then, she is naturally an excitable person.
The cat has taken advantage of my sister's (the same one that always wants me to post, like I have nothing better to do!) Christmas package to get closer to a heat source. This cat got outside yesterday and spent almost 2 hours in the cold. Doesn't want to try it again today.
Our bedroom has 3 outside walls, one of them a sliding glass door. For some reason, the dog prefers to sleep with the daughter.
The furnace decided to quit sometime yesterday. It was 58 in the house (who knows what in my bedroom!) when I returned at 9:00 (6 outside). Fortunately, one of the repair companies offers 24 hour service and we didn't have to rely on the fireplace and sleep in the living room. And it was only a (redundant) indicator that broke! Simple fix, lousy timing.
I should complain. I have power, I have hot chocolate, I have a fireplace. Life is good. (Note to self: get more firewood. Mulled wine, too.)
I feel special. I've been referred to in your blog--and more than once! At least if you don't like the presents, the cat likes the box.
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