Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Prague Architecture

It has been said that Prague is the most beautiful city in Europe.  I really can't say one way or the other...I've been to how many cities in Europe?  (Actually, how few, now that I think of it.)  It has all the amenities you expect in a European city:  narrow streets (This is where you find out just how good a bus driver you have...ours was able to back up a whole block without hitting anything.  And turn around on what appears to us Americans as a one way street but is really two way with parking on both sides.  There was an intersection involved, and applause when he was done.), architecture that you just don't see in the U. S. (we took lots and lots of pictures, and Europeans just walk right by it everyday as if it was normal) and enough people that speak English so that you can function.

Anyway, I took lots of pictures of buildings.  Unfortunately, I forgot what most of them are called.  (I have problems accessing my obsolete memory storage device.  Last I heard, no upgrades available.)  So what I have here are collections of buildings of different styles.  I also don't know what those styles are called, simply because it has never bee important to try to find storage space in my obsolete memory storage device.  Other facts, like half lives of Pu-241 decay products, are more fun.

So here are architectural pictures I found interesting.  First of all, a wonky street that may have inspired Diagon Alley and one that our bus driver could easily have handled.

style mixtures:

Like I said, they think this is normal!


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