Sunday, December 01, 2013


Next stop on our trip was Bratislava.  (No, that is not the dessert claimed to be native to, at least 15 countries.  That is Baklava.)

We were only there for about 6 hours.  It would have been more, but our bus had to be fixed and we were delayed.  But that is a boring story that has no point, so I'm not saying more.

What can I say about Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, after only 6 hours?  The food is good, the coffee is strong, they have a sense of humor (see above) which does not descend to junior high level (see previous posts on bathroom labels).

They are proud of being free again.  (this resonates with me!)  This is a continuous film about gaining that freedom.  It is surrounded by barbed wire, which I found interesting.

And this is a little baby Space Needle, on a bridge, and it even has a restaurant in it!

What can I say about Bratislava?  I wasn't there long enough.


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