Well, technically it is done...

The first is a 2009 BOM through http://www.thequiltshow.com/, with minor changes. The top got finished just last week. Although I am rethinking the last plain borders, the other half of me is saying: "Get this to the quilter's quick before you do anything else!" The feathered star in the middle is paper-pieced, and it's a good thing too! There are 204 flying geese blocks, 98 sawtooth star blocks (with 4 flying geese blocks in them), and 24 complex star blocks with 8 flying geese apiece. Usually. That makes (I'll save you the math) 788 flying geese blocks. Give or take a few.
I am really good at making flying geese.
The second picture is Tami's first quilt. This is a great first quilt. It is simple and impressive, the blocks are not small (they are 6 inches on a side) and you learn all the important things, including how to take out seams because you are a natural perfectionist. One of the things we had to tell her at the quilting weekend was to put down the seam ripper and back away from the nearly perfect block!!!!! In the meantime, I am missing two seam rippers. Coincidence?
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