A travelogue

I hate travelogues. They are boring.
This is Sun Moon Lake. It is the place to go during the Autumn Harvest Moon Festival. So of course, we went there. It got really crowded at night when it was the place to go to watch the fire works. Our driver found a parking place by moving several of those obnoxious scooters and arguing with the lady whose business he was parking in front of.
Sun Moon Lake is the green jade color if the first photograph. I'm going to guess it is because of iron in the lake, but I am probably wrong. Being just over 50 years old, I'm not embarrassed about being wrong any more. I love the mistiness of the mountains around the lake. It would be very easy to make a quilt like that. It is on the to do list, behind many other pressing projects. (And above the ironing)
The dock is the view from the restaurant where we ate lunch. It was a really wonderful restaurant! I wish I knew the name. If you are ever in an unknown town (counterclockwise on the lake from the Wen WuTemple) on the north shore of the lake, look for this dock and eat in this restaurant! I can't help you much more, but there is a Starbucks in town.
The restaurant features fish caught in the lake...and that is what the floating barges of flowers are for: to lure the fish to their doom.
It was a very tasty doom.
However, do not use the bathrooms. There is only a (slightly undersized) curtain between you and the dining room. And there may not have been a curtain between the men's and women's stalls.
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