
Choosing a flower picture is a little like Lays potato chips: You can't upload just one.
When I returned home, I signed up for a Hawaiian quilt class at www.quiltuniversity.com, which includes designing your own hawaiian quilt. I picked the little purple flower because it is simple, and now people in the discussion group want to know what it is. Does anyone have a clue? I tried to find a flower key for Taiwan flowers, but kept getting shunted to a UK web site.
Ginger flowers are very good at perfuming the air. Impatiens grew wild along the pathway up to a pagoda built by Chiang Kai-Shek in honor of his mother. (Our guide did not understand why we should go out and buy new flowers each year, especially when we know they won't survive our winter!) Orchids were popular (dendrobium, I think). I was told the yellow and red flower was a dragon lily, but I don't know for sure. I saw tropical hibiscus for the first time. The flaming red flower with the extra long stamen was interesting, I wish I could have taken a better picture. The one with the blue bits (which I would have called a blueberry flower were I in charge of naming things) looks a little like a fuschia.
The fauna was quite shy. I never saw anything, even in the mountains. There were pigeons in Taipei, and they were as much a nuisance as in any other big city.
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