I finally left the continent

I have considered starting a blog for a long time, and I finally came up with a purpose. Several, actually. They are: to keep my host families informed of activities and relate travels and other adventures so I don't hve to e-mail everybody and try to remember who knows what, and finally, to post my opinions, informed or not.
I just took my first trip off the continent of North America, to the island of Taiwan. I was able to do this almost free, because I placed enough exchange students that my orgainzation paid for my plane ticket, set me up with a host family, paid for museum admissions and food. I did, however, have to bring my own spending money.
My first impression of Taiwan was a wonderful mix of traditional and modern, eastern and western. I discovered within an hour of landing that we were to be fed very well, and it didn't stop until we left. My last impression was that I am really going to miss the food (although not the quantity!), and am planning trips to the International District in Seattle to attempt to find it.
I want to bring friends and family back with me, because you simply cannot tell them about the traffic, the motorcycles, the smells, the crowds, the markets, the trees, the buildings, or anything and have them understand what is going on. So, here is the first picture -- a rocky pathway -- which is suitably metaphoric. And no, I do not know what the sign says. I didn't know what any of the signs said!
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