Saturday, August 07, 2010

It has been a day all right.

Today I visited the airport 3 times. The first two were more or less normal. One of the exchange students is coming home with me until her host family can take her on Monday or Tuesday (we still have to figure that out, but why plan ahead anyhow?). Take her to a barbecue, then home. Get her set up in the family room on the hide-a-bed. Let her e-mail home that she has arrived safely.

In the middle of this a skunk sprayed. Closed all windows. Ascertained that, while the dog smells, it is not skunk. Set up fans.

Get student to bed and leisurely sit down at the computer. Check on the flight of the last arrival and DISCOVER THAT THE PLANE IS COMING IN A HALF HOUR EARLY AND I BETTER GET TO THE AIRPORT RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Do so. Call the host family (who lives near the airport) and instruct them to come now. Meet three students, two of which were supposed to come in at 4:45 but the airlines screwed up somehow, probably overbooking. No host families in sight. Really glad I checked the flight, I hate arriving after the students. They tend to panic.

Two host families finally show up. Call mine, and she has three grandkids with her and can't leave. Host families take care of missing luggage (it probably got on the plane and arrived 5 hours earlier. I'll find out tomorrow.) Take my student to her host family. (Not a big deal.)

Arrive home. House Stinks. Blame dog and give her a bath at 11:00 at night. It is a good thing it is summer, but that is when skunks are active. Things smell a lot better now, but the nose is used to it and we will probably find out one way or another when we get back from church tomorrow.


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