Life happens, but who cares?

Ten years ago, getting ready for a camping trip, we discovered a serious flood in our basement. Fortunately, we had a day or two to deal with it and we were able to go on the camping trip secure in the knowledge that all that stuff drying on the lawn would stay dry back in the basement.
You know those people who try to tell you that lightning never strikes twice in the same place?
Tell them: history repeats itself.
When my husband went downstairs last week to get the camping equipment, he discovered that the really good rain we've been having had finally brought enough sediment into the outside drain to plug it and send the water someplace else. That is, into the basement. So, instead of a nice leisurely packing trip where we remembered everything, we spent a lot of time throwing out stuff and saving stuff and drying up the basement.
But we were able to get off on time and meet Tami's parents camping.
But we did forget a lot of things, like extra ziplock bags, extra camera batteries, salt, pepper and...(get this) chocolate.
So now I can say we have survived a camping trip without hot chocolate.
Which we would not have been able to do if it had rained.
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