We have a grandbaby!

About 2 in the morning, with Laurie only dialated to 1 cm and water broken, the decision was made to do a c-section. Lindsey was born at 2:30 am, pdt, July 24, 2009. He was 7 ounds, 6 oz or 3.41 kg.
Because he did not go through the birth canal, fluid was not squeezed out of his lungs and they put him in NICU (and we have one of the best here!). When we visited him this morning, we had to scrub our arms for 3 minutes, and only two of us could accompany Laurie. Which means we will have to go back later for more pictures.
While we were there, the doctor examined him and, pending labs at noon (they are screening for infection), the doctor sees no reason why he can't join Laurie in a room later today.
Laurie says he has Chris's hair, mole and face and her hands and feet. And he has his great-grandfather's penchant for pulling tubes out. He had pulled out his breathing tube even with extra tape. (watch out, Laurie and Chris).
(When my Dad was in the hospital with a stroke, he and his roommate would pull out feeding tubes, breathing tubes, IV lines, catheters. After he took apart the Oxygen monitor, they would attach it to his toes. His roommate won only because he had a colostomy bag and Dad didn't. But, since Dad was tied to the bed and the roommate wasn't, I suppose it was a draw.)
More, of course! later!
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