Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Up with the times

I may be 53, which sounds old and decrepit to my daughter's friends, but I want you to know that I am thoroughly a part of the wired in generation.

Even if I don't yet have an ipod.

(And when I do, I will also get those little speaker jobbies, because I don't like earbuds. Or earphones. Or headsets.)

I had to get a new dryer, mostly because the old one took too long to dry things, and then it started to smell, well, smoky. So I bought one (cash), and instantly loved it because it only took 40 minutes to dry what used to take 2 hours or more! I am in heaven! I am not tied at home all day anymore! I can do all my laundry in one day and still go somewhere if I have to!

Then I realized that I missed the end of cycle notification, so I waited next to the dryer to find out what it sounded like. Instead of that obnoxious blazzing sound of the old dryer, now I have a nice melody that lets me know politely and with joy that the load is done.

So this is my point: I am part of the wired in generation because my next thought was "Can I download a different ringtone to my dryer?"

PS. I actually enjoy doing laundry now. I think I need to get out more.


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