OK, Susie, a new post
I assume she wants me to say more than that.
We have two cats in the house, about 2 years old. They arrived about 4 months after my old cat died at 20 years almost exactly. I wasn't used to seeing eye to eye with a cat anymore, nor having to protect the butter.
If you own a cat, then you just have to accept that your house is now one big jungle gym.
Don't forget that cats are nocturnal animals. Until we had them fixed, they would announce very loudly that they wanted a man. (At one point I told my daughter "It is a good thing we don't act like that during our periods!" She looked at me totally shocked and said "Motherrrrrr!") They went into heat two times in that month. Now at night they just run around and fight each other.
During the day they act like the sweetest things, asking politely for food, grooming each other and sleeping together. In this picture they are very busily getting cat hair all over the quilt that I take to the quilt show tomorrow, and I have explicit instructions to bring a clean quilt, which includes no tobacco smell, no stains (except for the antiques, of course) and no cat hair.
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