Saturday, August 17, 2019


One of the things that characterize the Czech is they like to walk.  Not just to the grocery store and back, but multiple kilometers through the woods.  And hills, and cities and farms.  And then back home.

So one of our Mongolians who live in Austria was dismayed when she found out that there would be an 18 kilometer (11 mile) walk.  She did not see why anybody would choose to do this, or even opt for the 5 kilometer (3 mile) walk.  I assured her that everyone would choose the longer walk.  She still did not believe me.

Until only a handful of people turned back early.

One of our US friends who live in the Czech Republic said that it doesn't become a hike until it is longer that 20 kilometers.  And the steeper the hills, the better.  It is said that group of climbers who were using crampons and pitons and all the other climbing equipment would get the top of a hill to find a Czech mom, with a baby in a stroller and a toddler (walking), on her cell phone.  In high heels.

The Mongolian girl chose the longer route, and enjoyed it.

The 12 year old Mongolian got back from the long hike, collapsed on the floor, and said "My limbs are exploding!"

NOBODY walks like the Czech.


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