decorating for Christmas

It was fun to watch a pair of exchange students do what they had never done before, which is put Christmas lights on the outside of the house. They argued, the insulted each other, they got the job done and done well. They had a good time. That's boys for you. Girls don't insult each other and have a good time, they become enemies for life.
The gingerbread house is not supposed to have any moving parts either, but this time I rolled the dough out too thick and it didn't dry properly. You can see the fatal flaw in the roof. It is not that the piece is not rectangular; it is starting to cave in. So it was doomed from the start...two days previous when I made the pieces wrong. The house was basically holding together until the fundamental forces of the universe (mainly gravity, assisted by time) ganged up on it.
Twenty years ago, if you looked at my house, you would have thought that Christmas had to do with angels instead of Jesus. I have lots of angels, and somehow I keep adding more, even though I have more than enough decorations! (I didn't have, and still don't have, many Santas) I had to force myself to get a nativity! I now have several, and my favorite is the carved wooden one from my Czech girl's parents. It came with lots of sheep. They tend to misbehave, mainly because the shepherd (there is only one of them, this is part of the problem) is paying more attention to baby Jesus. They always seem to end up on the roof. We never knew how they did it, but this year we caught them in the act.
They must be part longhorn sheep.
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