Things you must do with exchange students

For the record, I am aware that the Current Thought on batter is that RAW EGGS ARE DANGEROUS!
(and we are not talking about cholesterol)
Well, how did we ever survive? My Mom had to make sure there was enough batter for 5 of us to lick up, so not only did we eat raw eggs (without knowing it, that would have been really gross), we ate one another's GERMS!!!! Of course, there was a time when we fought about that, but the prospect of raw oatmeal chocolate chip cookie dough trumps your stupid little brother's germs. (Or, to be fair, now that I am a mature responsible adult, your idiot big sister's germs too.)
Sidebar: One brother gave me the best birthday card ever. The cover read: "Even though we fought as children, and hid each other's stuff in the toilet and spit in each other's milk at dinner and broke the other's favorite toys (I'm making part of this up because I have lost the card), we are now all grown up. So on this occasion of your birthday, in which we celebrate another year of adulthood I would like to say...[open card]...You look like a monkey and you smell like one too!"
I talked to a public health professional, and she confirmed that the biggest danger with raw eggs is the outside of the shell. If there are dangerous bacteria on the inside, well, most of my eggs are old enough we would smell THAT. So I carefully open eggs and wash my hands afterwards, before doing anything else. Which is probably more than my Mom did, but I really don't remember.
Haven't killed anybody yet.
(end soapbox, go back to original topic)
And, of course, you must introduce the exchange students to the grandson.
It is amazing how just feeding an 8 pound, 1 month old baby can be exhausting.
You can make cookies with no eggs (so no salmonella) by replacing each egg with one tablespoon of flax flour and 3 tablespoons of water.
Salmonella in eggs is more common now than when we were kids. I think it has something to do with how they pack the chickens together more now. Or so I heard.
It is obvious the little one is putting out Z-rays that have affected Grandpa. The main symptom of Z-ray exposure is people falling asleep, and emitting zzzzz's themselves, in a chain reaction.
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