grandma gets to babysit

And take more pictures, of course!!!!
In the first picture, we find out that, as well as eat, poop and sleep, he can also yawn.
In the second picture, we find he can use his carseat for a long long time.
And in the third picture, we deal with one of the great controversies surrounding newborns: do they smile, or is it gas? Doctors are on one side, mothers are on the other. (Guess who is where.) Since I am not the one holding him and I going to firmly state: I don't know.
Auntie sings to him, and he loves it. I didn't sing to my kids because I didn't want to give them nightmares. Fortunately, both auntie and mommy have good voices. (Which they did not get from either my or my husband's side of the family.)
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