
The reason grandkids are so much fun is because I don't get them all the time. Also, since he is not at home, he doesn't quite know if he can throw a tantrum or not. So when I say "You can't throw a tantrum in the kitchen, you'll hurt your head when you hit it on the ceramic tile," he looks at me quizzically and decides not to throw the tantrum. He got mad at having to come inside the other day, and I told him: "Go ahead and throw the tantrum there, the rug is soft," and he refused to throw the tantrum.
Life is just plain easier for the grandparents.
And then they find the harmonica. I demonstrated it and he loved it. At first he tried to make the noise himself, but I told him just to blow and he caught on really quick. (Future Nobel winner, that one!)
Then I told him we would take his picture with it, and he went to the bedroom and dragged the chair to the kitchen, sat down and played. He played the harmonica for a good ten minutes after that. Then he got distracted and lost the harmonica himself.
I hope he finds it again when he comes back.
Jack doesn't.
I REALLY like the last line :)
Although, this instrument is the best one for kids!
Who says logic doesn't work on kids? Just maybe not the way they think it does. ;) Love your blog! :)
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